Bowling Report 11/7/07

November 8, 2007 at 1:01 pm (Bowling)

Yes indeed, it’s time for yet another exciting bowling report! Fasten your seat belts and hang on, cuz here we go!!

Okay, anywho…here’s the scores.

Don 131 167 157 455 Series
Jill 137 157 174 468 Series
Bruce 226 212 208 646 Series
Craig 220 233 247 700 Series
Kirk 202 213 185 600 Series

The team we bowled against had 2 new bowlers who had not established average. So after waiting for it all to get over, our calculations said that we won 5 points and lost 2. But after looking at the scoring sheet online, it would appear that we won all 7 points. Good for us! Last week we moved up from 9th place to 6th, this week we didn’t move up at all.

Stay tuned. More excitement next week!


  1. beartracks said,

    I’ve bowled a 297 once but it took 3 games. 🙂

  2. sam said,

    I can bowl that score in four games….

  3. The Pudgeman said,

    You are a steely eyed bowling machine my friend! Keep it up!! B4T

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